Matrix of Power

Matrix of Power is a supplement that will offer numerous random tables to generate superhero abilities for adventurers in fantasy RPGs. Influenced by superhero RPGs of the 1980s including Champions, Villains & Vigilantes, and Marvel Super-Heroes by TSR, this book will add a fun, flavorful cross-genre component to your games.

Matrix of Power 013.jpg

Comic book legend Ken Landgraf has already made some of the artwork for the book (one of his works is illustrated above), and we are totally blown away! Landgraf has worked for Marvel and DC, but is revered in comic circles as a pioneer in independent publishing in the 1970s and 1980s, with his titles New York City Outlaws and Starfighters. We are huge, huge Landgraf fans, and also love collaborating with artists who come from outside the traditional RPG field. We can’t wait to show you more soon!

Matrix of Power will be the first volume released in what’s planned to be an entire series of supplements to add cross-genre elements to your games. Stay tuned!

Publication date: Q2 2023.

Singing Flame

Vasili Kaliman lives and works in New York City

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Strange Doom